Contact Us

DCPTG Customer Service: Clemens Kasper

Clemens Kasper also known as “C.K.” on WhatsApp is one of the best employees we have. He made DCPTG big on the German market by inviting thousands of people.

+49 1514 1349902

29 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Hey, now my wallet is locked on my money and I cannot withdraw anything from it. Can you respond to me and explain how you say that there is an offer and convince me to deposit my money and then you contradict that and I cannot withdraw it? Please respond to that with a convincing answer and for how long will the withdrawal be suspended like this?

  2. Every business faces its unique set of challenges, and we believe we’ve found something that can make a difference for yours. Our system integrates and streamlines complex processes seamlessly.

    Could we schedule a brief call to discuss how it could address your specific needs?

    • Don’t dare starting it’s a scam I can’t withdraw money, no way you can contact them, the app is not updated

  3. Every business faces its unique set of challenges, and we believe we’ve found something that can make a difference for yours. Our system integrates and streamlines complex processes seamlessly.

    Could we schedule a brief call to discuss how it could address your specific needs?

  4. Hallo,

    bin schon länger Mitglied von DCPTG, habe sehr viel Geld auf meiner DCPTG APP.
    Was ist seit dem 26.04 los? wieso kam meine Auszahlung nicht an.
    Ist alles vorbei? oder nur ein Hackerangriff?

    Bitte um eine Antwort.

    LG Simone

  5. Hello. My name is duc Minh huynh and I would need professional to recover my funds where thefts have robbed who was not on my team.

  6. Dear Clemes Kasper, I would like to respectfully inquire when the payment system can be expected to operate? I have more than $5000 in my account and I can’t withdraw it. Thanks to: Krisztian Talas (20175282)

  7. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, meine Auszahlung am 25.April ist nicht auf meiner Wallet angekommen.Können Sie mir bitte diesen Betrag wieder auf mein DCPTG Account Gutschreiben, oder ist dass nicht mehr möglich.Für eine Antwort wäre ich Dankbar.

  8. Hallo Clemens, kann man wieder Auszahlungen tätigen? Wie erfährt man wie es weiter geht?
    Beste Grüße

  9. Hallo, ich habe Stand 30.April 288 USTD in einen erneuten 15 Tages-Plan (Anlage) investiert. Leider muß ich trotz täglichem nachschauen feststellen, daß diese Anlage seither im Status “in Prüfung” ist und somit auch nichts “erwirtschaftet”. Woran hängt es? Wann geht es weiter? Was ist los?

  10. Hi
    Ich finde es schade, dass ein System, welches seit 2021 läuft jetzt in Deutschland auf einmal nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Ich bin erst seit Januar 24 bei dcptg und habe so viel Geld rauf ohne es ein einziges Mal ausgezahlt zu haben. Das System finde ich so gut… schon zu gut um wahr zu sein. Ich habe viele Leute mit einbezogen deren Geld jetzt auch in dcptg fest steckt. Wir alle Quantifizieren weiter, aber schön wäre es, wenn ein Verantwortlicher sich zu Wort melden würde. Das zerrt nämlich ziemlich an unseren Nerven. Entweder aus und vorbei oder weiter machen bitte… so in der Luft hängen macht krank.

  11. I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address a pressing concern regarding my account.

    I recently attempted to initiate a withdrawal of the funds I have invested with your company. However, I encountered difficulties in completing the transaction. Despite following the standard withdrawal procedures outlined in your platform, I have been unable to access my funds.

    I kindly request your immediate assistance in resolving this matter. Prompt access to my invested funds is essential, and I would appreciate any guidance or support you can provide to facilitate the withdrawal process.

    Please prioritize this issue, as it is of utmost importance to me. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution of this matter.

  12. Hi,

    None of our team members have been able to withdraw since 27 April 2024. It’s been under review since that date.

    Could you please let us know how to withdraw?

    Our team’s contact person from DCPTG side deleted their WhatsApp account and Mr. Kasper says he’s just a user like us and not connected to DCPTG in any way. Online support via the site has been mute since 27 April 2024 as well.

    Looking forward to your soonest reply.

    Thank you.

  13. Good morning Yulia, my name is Salamat, I would like to clarify if there is any news about dcptg? is there any news? if you write information I will be grateful
    best regards

  14. All should denounce the company and someone should get some jail sentence this is all scam and u will never see ur money.

  15. Da diversi giorni ho problemi con il mio conto e provo a contattare l assistenza ma pultroppo senza aver risposta

  16. I write to express my greatest disappointment concerning the leadership of this investment business.
    I believe in every aspect of life, there are challenges one way or the other. But when such challenges emerges, the said the leaders involved, find drastic measures to curtail them.
    Some of us are parents, bread winners and family heads, such that other people in our lineage look up to us for their daily needs.
    I have invested my money which I borrowed from the bank into your investment business, hoping to pay back plus the interest charges to the bank I borrowed the money from.
    But for weeks now withdrawal seem absolutely not possible. And no member of the leadership team nor the Customer service agent has issue a COMMUNIQUÉ detailing the reasons why our monies are locked. And to when we are going to receive our monies back.
    Please, with the greatest of respect to this great business platform, we don’t want to believe nor say that, the leadership of this business investment has DUPED US or RUN AWAY with our monies. A BIG NO TO THAT EFFECT.
    So I urge the leadership of this business to please come out with a communique telling us when we are going to be paid back our monies we invested.
    Because some of us have wife, kids and a family at large to cater for. So I know the leaders of this great business has got families too.
    And I believe all of us will know how it feels should a bread winner of a said family is taken to prison. For the reason that he borrowed from the bank and couldn’t pay back at the scheduled time.
    I do believe this message will be treated with the utmost urgency and also given all the necessary attention it requires.
    Hope to hear from you soon.

  17. Hello,
    I would like to know when DCPTG will start again and what will happen to the money that I have invested.
    Greetings andreas

  18. Dear Clemes Kasper, I would like to respectfully inquire when the payment system can be expected to operate? I have more than 7523 USDT in my account and I can’t withdraw it.


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